Estate Sale Tips
Some estate sale tips to help you get the most from estate sales:
- Do not throw anything away! One person's junk is another's treasures. Let us evaluate what you have before you throw anything out.
- An estate sale is a public or private sale of all the contents of a house, held inside the house itself.
- Should you organize the estate sale yourself? It is possible to run your own estate sale - whether you should or not depends on your interest in managing the many details involved and time to make it all happen. Another crucial component is the ability to identify a valuable item and know what is it worth. If you think you want to organize your own sale we offer consultation services, tables rentals and other tips to hold your own sale. See Garage Sale Tips. If you decide to hire a professional team than give us a call.
- After your family has removed from the house all the things you will keep, Flute Estate Sales LLC staff prepare everything else for an Estate Sale. Items are organized, cleaned, appraised, priced and displayed attractively. The Estate Sale, which looks a bit like an in-home store is held for 1-3 days depending on the quality and scope of the property to be sold.
- Your job (albeit a challenging one) is to decide what you want to keep and to move it from the house before the sale. Leave everything else behind.
- What is considered valuable for an Estate Sale? Values of items constantly change depending on what local buyers are willing to pay for something at any given time. In addition to fine art and antiques, collectors and buyers are looking for almost everything that is in good condition. Some popular are sterling silver, costume jewelry, tools, kitchen items, linens, books, garden tools, military and scouting things, fishing and gold gear, clothing, and furniture. There are often other salable items which seem not so obvious such as postcards, mid century décor from the 1930's to 1970's, dolls and old toys.
who attends estate sales?
- Buyers at Estate Sales include local collectors, antique dealers, residents of the area and people who enjoy looking for treasures.
How and where do we advertise the estate sale?
- We advertise on-line, in newspapers and with street signs in your neighborhood. We send email notices to over 1500 potential buyers. We also use social media to advertise the estate sale. Don't be surprised to have 200 to 300 people come to an estate sale. Many are repeat customers who attend our sales.